Personal Observation.

Over the years of working as a therapist, delving into various healing methods and connecting with the body, I've encountered recurring narratives that echoes through the experiences of my clients. Let me share a couple of examples to illustrate how these situations tend to unfold over time.

Example 1:

Often, clients reach out to me as a last resort, referred by someone they know, expressing a mix of skepticism and desperation. They arrive burdened with various health issues, including severe autoimmune disease. Remarkably, a high amount of these cases involve additional struggles such as diabetes, emphysema or fibromyalgia. These clients, overwhelmed and feeling helpless, find it challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle and often grapple with addiction, exacerbating their conditions.

Upon initiating treatment, a common observation is the significant fluid retention in their bodies, especially in the lower legs. Pain, tingling, and constant numbness in the feet further contribute to their distress. In the initial session, I adopt a broad treatment approach, aiming to regulate and calm their nervous system as we engage in conversation.

What unfolds next is a narrative that repeats with striking similarity: The client has experienced significant trauma during childhood, teenage years, or early adulthood, leading to the development of anxiety or depression. Seeking help, they are prescribed antidepressant medication, a regimen that often spans a decade or more with increasing dosages over time. Unfortunately, the absence of holistic work to address underlying issues allows the nervous system to dysregulate further.

As symptoms worsen, clients seek medical advice, resulting in diagnoses like diabetes or fibromyalgia. Rather than delving into the root cause, medical practitioners often resort to masking and treating symptoms with medication. Over the years, the unaddressed trauma and escalating symptoms pave the way for the development of autoimmune diseases. By the time these individuals seek my help, they've been grappling with debilitating conditions for years, heavily medicated, and struggling to find relief or balance in their lives.

It pains me to admit that this pattern is not uncommon; I witness it repeatedly. Although the details of each story vary in terms of experiences, trauma, and conditions, the underlying patterns remain consistent:

1. Early trauma left untreated or managed with antidepressants.

2. Persistent unaddressed trauma leading to a dysregulated nervous system and the emergence of new medical conditions like fibromyalgia, emphysema or diabetes.

3. Escalating reliance on medication, preventing the acknowledgment and healing of early trauma, eventually resulting in autoimmune diseases.

Interestingly, with these clients, I often witness the most remarkable transformations. Their nervous systems, deeply dysregulated from years of turmoil, seem to find solace and immediate relief through biodynamic therapy. While it's crucial to acknowledge that living with an autoimmune condition doesn't typically have a miraculous cure, consistent and ongoing treatment enables their systems to maintain regulation, offering a relative freedom from pain.

The profound dysregulation of their nervous systems seems to respond exceptionally well to the resetting effects of biodynamics. Witnessing the almost instantaneous relief they experience is both heartening and affirming of the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. It's important to set realistic expectations, understanding that complete eradication of autoimmune conditions may not be feasible, but the goal becomes managing symptoms and maintaining a pain-free existence through continuous treatment.

These positive outcomes reinforce the importance of addressing the root causes and working holistically to restore balance to the body and mind. It's a journey of ongoing care and support, but the relief and improvement in their quality of life are significant motivators for both the clients and myself as their therapist.

Example 2:

A client comes to me presenting as functional, seemingly doing everything right in terms of their health, yet grappling with a multitude of ongoing health issues. Despite their ongoing efforts, they can't attain the elusive harmony and balance they seek in life. This individual has invested years in psychological treatment, maintains a healthy diet, follows regular sleep patterns, and adheres to a consistent exercise routine. However, their nervous system remains uncooperative, causing persistent hormonal issues, stress cycles, and financial strain due to ongoing health expenses.

It's a recurring and disheartening scenario. Despite the client's dedication to what appears to be all the right actions, the root of the issue becomes clearer over time. More often than not, they hail from a dysregulated family environment, and their nervous system has carried the burden of dysregulation since birth or has been affected by past abuse—whether physical, emotional, or sexual.

While psychological treatment has made significant strides in bringing peace to their minds regarding past experiences, the body stubbornly clings to the remnants of abuse patterns, hindering the system from achieving its full regulatory capacity. These clients often grapple with feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame. Even though their conscious mind acknowledges they weren't at fault for past trauma, an internalised stigma persists, suggesting otherwise.

Enter biodynamics—a truly effective approach for this type of treatment. It works by unlocking dormant holding patterns without necessitating the client to verbally confront and relive their past traumas repeatedly. Through ongoing sessions, the entrenched holding patterns gradually dissolve, making way for new pathways to emerge. This allows the client's nervous system to regulate and settle into a more permanent state of health. While stress remains a factor in their lives, it becomes more manageable, and hormonal regulation follows with less painful patterns.

The beauty of biodynamics lies in its ability to address the body's stored trauma in a gentle yet transformative manner, providing these clients with an opportunity to reclaim their health and well-being without having to continuously revisit the painful chapters of their past.

Example 3:

Commonly encountered in my practice, where individuals grapple with persistent musculoskeletal pain. Clients often arrive with discomfort in specific areas like the shoulder, neck, ankle, knee or lower back seeking relief. Despite exploring an array of treatments, including massage, physiotherapy, and acupuncture, a recurring pattern emerges – the pain returns, especially during stressful periods.

What I've observed is that the root cause of this enduring pain isn't solely physical; it's intricately tied to persistent holding patterns, often entrenched in past injuries. Even if the initial injury has healed, the brain seems locked in a holding pattern, continuously signalling pain. I've come to associate this prolonged pattern with unresolved emotional or psychological traumas that the body struggles to process.

What sets this perspective apart is the acknowledgment that the pain isn't exclusively a result of acute physical issues. Instead, it serves as a manifestation of unresolved emotional or psychological trauma residing within previously healed injuries. In my approach, I advocate for biodynamics, a methodology designed to tap into the body's intrinsic healing capabilities. By doing so, my aim is to facilitate the dissolution of deep-seated blockages, allowing new pathways for healing to emerge.