Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang, rooted in ancient Chinese Taoist traditions, is an energy treatment focusing on the abdomen to release stagnant energies within internal organs. By addressing habitual emotional patterns, it creates a receptive inner space for healing. This massage therapy promotes balance across bodily functions, releasing stored emotions.

Sessions are crafted to guide individuals on a transformative journey, targeting energy blockages and enhancing the flow of life force energy (chi) throughout the body. Techniques involve gentle massage, acupressure and breath work to optimise organ function and emotional well-being.

Chi Nei Tsang offers numerous benefits, including emotional release and improved organ function, making it valuable for addressing various issues such as sleep disorders, digestive problems, and anxiety. This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, fostering balance and rejuvenation.

90 minutes - 160€