Midlines Explained.

When the Long Tide begins creating the ordering matrix during conception, it establishes a key point of organization known as the ajna chakra in yogic philosophy. This central point later appears in the third ventricle of the brain. From here, a quantum midline, traditionally referred to as the sushumna, descends. This quantum midline, described in Ho's exploration of quantum fields and microscopic life organization, is perceived by practitioners as a continuous shaft of light within clients. After completing its descent, an ascending spiral of forces emanates around the midline, giving rise to additional organizing centers—the elemental chakras located in the throat, heart area, umbilical region, pelvis, and perineum. These are called primary fulcrums.

In the context of craniosacral biodynamics, the three most crucial fulcrums exist within the third ventricle, the heart center, and the umbilical center. They correspond to primary ignitions in the human system, as detailed in Fundamentals of Craniosacral Biodynamics. These fulcrums organize orbs of structure and function, responding not only to inner thoughts and feelings but also to environmental factors, as discovered by Ho.

Around the fourth week of embryonic development, a second midline phenomenon emerges as an upward force within the embryonic disc. Victor Schauberger's observations align with this, describing rising midline forces within organizing matrices. In the embryonic disc, these forces generate a midline-orienting axis for cellular and tissue organization, termed the primal midline.

The primal midline, sensed throughout life as an ascending force from the coccyx to the ethmoid bone, forms the primitive streak, notochord, vertebral bodies, and the cranial base. It remains the primary cellular and structural organizing axis, aligning every cell to its function.

Simultaneously, a third orienting midline, known as the fluid midline, emerges during early embryological development within the developing nervous system. This midline of potency within the neural tube becomes the organizing midline of the fluid tide, perceptible throughout life as a surge of potency within the cerebrospinal fluid core.

Sutherland, Stone, and Schauberger emphasize water as the conveyor of the life principle, shaping and creating life within the natural world. The analogy of a vibrating glass of water illustrates how fluids respond to the potency of the Breath of Life, manifesting specific forms and motions with precision.

From the quantum core and primal midline, all manifestations of potency originate, establishing an internal matrix of forces and potencies that upholds the universal design of a human being. In essence, the quantum midline orients the human form to the ordering matrix, mediating the transmutation of potency within the fluid system, while the primal and fluid midlines orient the cellular and fluid systems to the quantum midline. These three—potency, fluids, and tissues—unify into a coherent biodynamic field of action.